Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

What Babies Dream...

Have you ever wondered that since babies sleep so much, they must also dream as much too, right? And if babies dream as much, what can they be possibly dreaming of?

As I drift off to sleep, I may flash a small satisfied smile or grin. It always makes Papa puzzled as to what kind of happy dream I may be having.

It could be any of the following:

1. Swimming in Mama’s goodness….mmmmmm
2. Playing Poopinator video game
3. Having a jacuzzi partee!

Of course, the truth is, I cannot really reveal because it is, and forever shall be a trade secret of our ‘baby’s guild’. Let’s just say it is one of those things we like to leave it to the adults to guess and look bewildered. Hee!


Anonymous said...

I love it when Ethan smiles in his sleep. Makes me wonder what he is dreaming of too, hey, and you know...sometimes he giggles too!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you dream in reel life, 3D or animation...

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