During these early months, Papa and Mama have been putting on all sorts of diapers on my bum. Makes me feel like a diaper model sometimes…hee hee..;-P
Let me count…hmmm….so far, I have paraded brands like Mamy Poko, Drypers, Pureen Dry5, Huggies, Fitti, Diapex, Babysoft, Babylike and Pampers. Looking at these brands, don’t you think they all sound quite cheesy? I mean c’mon…can’t these diaper makers be anymore original?
Since I had some free time to think today, I came up with a list of possible brand names to help the diaper industry who may be looking for that next killer brand name. The names that I came up with:
- Poopers
- Weepers
- Snuggies
- Flowy
- ChangeMe
- Absorbies
- Dampers
- Fried & Dried
- Wrappies
- Weelief
Hmmm…coming up with that list makes me wanna go wee wee now…;-p And also cross off diapers marketer from my careers of choice list.
What other names can you think of?