Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Since two weeks ago, I have started to suck my thumb, fingers, and sometimes even my entire fist! Adults seem to consider this action as a sign of growth. I also see them do it often especially after eating fried chicken.

Hmmmmm…I don’t know….my baby logic calculates that if it is a sign of growth, and the sign of growth translates into eating fried chicken, erm…it should come down to one question: Where’s my fried chicken?!!

p/s accompanying photo to come soon, hopefully....some technical problems here worrr..


rinnah said...

o.0 Can your fist fit into your mouth?

ajeff said...

welcome to the "sucker" gang!...:)
anthony's record was 9fingers...:)

Argentinadog said...

rinnah>> yes, yes...wait ah..I find photo first...

ajeff>> wahh..9 fingers!! baby anthony must have a very big mouth!...*clap clap*...

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