Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Fourth Moon Lunatic

And so it would seem that at every moon collection ceremony, I will be at my utmost lunatic behaviour, and make everyone moony and loony as well. It has happened for three moons now and the streak is still alive! Hee!

During my fourth moon collection yesterday, I joyfully celebrated by refusing to go to bed past my regular bed-time. In the process, I made Mama miss some of her goodness producing sessions and made Papa stay up to watch a football match he didn’t intend to watch.

My feeding times also went lunatic with almost hourly feeds, driving Papa and Mama nuts trying to clean up and sterilize for the next feeding round.

Hey, at least it only happens at every moon collection, right? :-p


Anonymous said...

Could it be the relation between moon collection and a full moon that makes you act up? *giggle*

Argentinadog said...

jiejie means the more moons I collect, the more moonie I will be? Gasp....:-o

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